I dunno how many of you got this email but i found it very interesting and decided to share.
Allan Goodridge – PC 720 – Royal Barbados Police Force
Most gangs are well organised and operate by a particular code
The “wannabees” are the most dangerous as they are trying to prove themselves worthy of joining gang. These are the ones who would shoot or kill someone at random to prove how violent they are.
Most of the problems with gang members originate in the home i.e. lack of parental controls, rejection, lack of cooperation.
Main Gangs Operating In Barbados (Other Minor Ones)
Gang Origin Gang Colour
Bloods Los Angeles Red
Crips Los Angeles Blue
Black Mobs Chicago
OutLawz New York
Panty Pudding Girls Local
313 Harlem Empire Harlem
MS 13 South America
Jamaican Posse New York, Miami
, Jamaica
Some gangs practising voodoo/ demon possession
School girls becoming possessed (Minor gang known as “Gothics”)
Teacher at Springer School reprimanding 13 year old girl (whose voice was normally quite low keyed) and suddenly girl’s eyes staring and speaking in a deep male voice
Girls from My Lords Hill (Minor gang known as “Celebrities”) believe that they will become vampires. Wear all black, shave eye brows off and repaint them in black, draw fang marks on their faces
Some gangs use soft shoes as symbol e.g. BK shoes, normally known as British Knights but now used as “Blood Killers”
Roderick O’Brien Mayers aka OB, Leader of Bloods, deported from USA, deemed a menace to society in USA, sleeps with 4 body guards at the 4 corners of his house
Gang members wear scares, hats, beads as evidence of gang membership. Beads are worn and the longer the beads the higher the rank.
Burn 3 marks in the form of a triangle on back of right or left shoulder – this is known as the Dog Paw
Males are “beat-in”- surrounded by a group of gang members and each person delivers a vicious beating
Girls are “sex –in “– unprotected sex with at least 5/6 gang members. Some school girls reported missing on a Friday and then showing up on a Monday /Tuesday would have been initiated by “sex-in” during the weekend.
Potential new members required to kill someone at random, kill a rival gang member ( Bloods and Crips hate each other), commit a crime. Going to jail for such acts ensures certain bragging rights , respect in and out of Dodds and rise in influence in gang.
Each gang has a type of alphabet code which is disclosed to members. Some codes that children use while on the Internet
o POS – Parent over shoulder
o PORS- Parent over right shoulder
Drug /Gang Lords paying light bills, buying school shoes etc to ensure loyalty in a particular district.
Panty Pudding Girls
All Girls Gang
Lesbianism (call each other “cuz”)
No underwear
Involved in Skin Out competitions – Club Extreme on Tuesday nights/other locations
Unprotected sex
Used by other gangs as bait to draw out rival gang members for execution e.g. guy killed by Central Bank recently was meeting a Panty Pudding Girl for sex but this was setup.
Guyanese girl used to draw “Tone” out of his house, he was executed using the 5 shot execution (both hands, both feet and head) and then his hands were cut off
Movada/ Vybz Kartel both came out of the 313 Harlem Empire Gang
Jay Z is connected with the said 313 Harlem Empire Gang.
MS 13
MS 13 has been described by national Geographic as “world’s most dangerous gang”
Hang out in River Bus Stand and Fairchild Street Bus stands
Mostly Guyanese Recruits
Very vicious, extreme methods of exacting revenge. Hands, head cut off, abduction, torture, execution, house burnt down etc.
Gangs in almost every secondary school
Harrison College gang meets in Queens Park, including some former students.
Graffiti on walls tell stories about crimes (e.g. Nickname of gang member X, picture of a gun with bullets coming out of the nozzle and name of other person Y means that gang member X shot Y)
Some locations with Graffiti are initiation spots
Gangs have certain hand signals and postures which are recognisable only to gang membersBarbados Gangs. Watch urself!?
Yea I got the email... I would like to see Barbados in 10 years. Everything the USA has we pick up...why? Dont some people see that somethingbs are just plain ignorant and unorthodox? All of a sudden everyone is gang banging, stupse.
EDIT: @Geo wa you mean? Thats what its called.
@Hf..omg thats so sad then, the man was trying to educatethe people and now they wanna harm him for telling the truth? stupse. people make me wonderBarbados Gangs. Watch urself!?
Well as an x gang member...there is only a few solution to gang problem.
1)Silently killing off members of gangs starting with the leaders first.
2)Drive by shootings which will keep them looking over their shoulder.
3)Kidnapping and killing as many gang members as possible.
4)Try to pay people in the gangs to informed or feed you information
5)Set up drug deals and then call in the police
These tactic is called fighting fire with fire...am sure if gangs were to get out of hand
in Barbados,all the above mention will wreck havoc on gang members eventually elimenating
most of them.We need to see about 50-150 gang members dead every month.
I also received it and it was also in the papers. The leader of one (with red beads and scarft) was even saying that many young fellows come to him asking if they can do any tasks and he had to tell them no. Barbadian are very copy-cat so what ever happens in the US they are going to emulate. that is where that wowlie or whatever it is come from (pants down behind their tails)
EDIT: That man getting threatened now for that article. he has received death threats.
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