Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to connect to xbox with a wireless usb?

So i have wireless usb internet and im wondering how or if i can connect to xbox live. What will i need to connect to it?How to connect to xbox with a wireless usb?
if i understand your question, you mean you have a Wireless Broadband USB Modem (a USB modem that plugs into your computer, and gives you internet. similiar to Cricket Wireless? or i believe Verizion also has this service?)

if thats the case, i know for Fact that a Cricket modem cannot simply be inserted into the console, because that requires a software to connect, but you can however, connect the USB to your PC/laptop, enable Internet Sharing, and then run a Ethernet cord from the PC to the Xbox 360, and the Xbox 360 would get internet. you would have a Strict NAT that you couldnt change, and also the ping would be about 200m, meaning in a game, you would have around a 1-3 second Lag. (in a shooter, you would shoot somebody, then 1-3 seconds later they would die.) i used to have Cricket Wireless at one point, which is how i know this for Fact :) (i recommend new ISP if thats the case)How to connect to xbox with a wireless usb?
You need to purchase an XBbox 360 wireless network adapter. They go new for 100bucks. Thanks microsoft! PS3 and Wii have built in wifi, sorry.
Save yourself the trouble and get a PS3 bru. Plus its ALL hands free and online play is free.

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