Monday, August 16, 2010

2nd Cycle TTC, would like some one to talk to.?

I am actively ttc. I am looking to connect with people that are in the same situation I am. I currently live in Germany. My husband is Air Force. I have friends that are currently pregnant. I found it very difficult to deal with that because that was my first cycle trying and the same day I found out she was pregnant, I found out I wasnt. So here goes number 2. So here are some questions to get to know you also: How many cycles have you been trying? Who have you told that you were ttc? How many times could you have sworn that you were pregnant when you actually werent? How are you handleing the 2ww? What is advice you can share?

Also share anything else you feel like sharing. Know that I am listening. I cant wait to hear from you girls!2nd Cycle TTC, would like some one to talk to.?

Thought i would share my story with you. I am also in my second cycle of TTC. I am from the UK and have been with my husband for 9 years.

Was originally going to wait a couple of years before trying but i was taken ill not long ago and was told that my fertility may have been affected. I was totally devastated. They wanted to do a laparoscopy to confirm but suggested that i should give it a go first here i am.

I have been on the pill 7 years and so i immediately stopped taking it. The problem with that is during my first cycle i swore i was pregnant. I had sore nipples, nausea, fatigue. But in the end AF came with a vengeance.

I totally understand what you mean about your friends being pregnant. When you realise you want something soo much it is very hard to think of little else. I get soo happy when i hear of peoples BFP stories yet at the same time sad that i haven't got mine or might never get mine.

We haven't been trying long though so we don't have anything to worry about yet. Doesn't stop me from being so anxious though. Im 6 dpo atm and already hate the 2ww.

The way i like to deal with it is to just try and relax. To have fun making babies and to talk about it.

Soo i have told my friends that i am TTC because they were brilliant when i was taken ill and have been so understanding. My parents are also aware and hope i have news every time i ring them. I know some people would prefer not to tell anyone they are TTC but i like talking about it.

I like to come on yahoo to see how everyone is doing, to share my story and to relate to the people on here. Its a comfort because there are so many TTC ladies out there and i don't feel alone.

I will keep an eye out for your story if you keep an eye out for mine!

Good luck to all those TTC! Baby dust to all xxxxxx2nd Cycle TTC, would like some one to talk to.?
I have sorta been trying for 2 years. We were using the calender to predict my ovulations but never did any testing or anything. Finally a few months back I bought an ovulation prediction kit, with no luck. I never have seen one come out positive yet. I talked to my doctor and she put me on Clomid 50 mg. This is my first cycle on clomid and I'm on CD14....still with no signs of ovulation. I am using the clear-blue digital ovulation kit. I'm not sure why I never ovulate. (Or I can't seem to catch it on the ovulation kits)

I took Clomid on days 3-7 hoping my ovulation would happen at a';normal'; time. Not having any luck so far. Good luck and hope everything goes well for you.
i m trying for 2 1/2 yrs with clomid n laparoscopy for pcos done

i want to ask what is 2ww?

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